An Oversight Visit to district of Rathnapura was completed on 4th and 5th April 2024. DDG PHS1 of Ministry of Health lead the team whereas two Oversight Committee members from of Civil Society Organizations namely ChildFund and Heart to Heart participated. Directors of NSACP, NPTCCD,AMC and CCM Secretariat Staff also participated as observers. Tuberculosis ward Eheliyagoda, District Chest Clinic, District STD Clinic and Mithuru Mithuro Movement Pellmadulla were visited on 4th April. There was a Review Meeting following those visits on 5th April with the leadership of Provincial Director of Health Services and Regional Director of Health Services together with participation of Venereologist, District Tuberculosis Control Officer, Regional Malaria Officer, Medical Officer Planning, Medical Superintendents and Medical Officers from Teaching Hospital and Base Hospitals and Public Health Inspectors of Tuberculosis and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. The current status of three diseases (Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and Malaria ) were presented. Some issues and solutions for future developments were also identified. Inclusion of situation of those three diseases onto the agenda of District Coordinating Committee was one of the very encouraging action identified to get more attention of the leaders of the district including political leadership. Advocacy for increase of Tuberculosis case referrals from Out Patient Departments of Government and private hospitals in the district was one of the main action identified in increasing the case notification. Getting a time allocation to discuss about ways of referrals of suspected HIV positive persons or AIDS patients with Consultants of Teaching Hospital Rathnapura was another important activity identified. Creating awareness among returnees from Malaria prevalent countries was the other main activity identified targeting zero indigenous patients and active surveillance. The Oversight Visit was completed by visiting two other Civil Society Organizations who are involved in HIV/AIDS preventive activities namely ECDIC and OECRP.

- +94 112369066
- CCM Sri Lanka Secretariat, 1st Floor, Public Health Complex, 555/5, Elvitigala Mawatha, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka.
- [email protected]